Monday, January 23, 2012

Windows 8 serves two flavors of Internet Explorer 10

Windows 8 feats Internet Explorer 10 and its first time ever when Microsoft will be releasing a newer version of Internet Explorer along with new Windows release aka “Windows 8”.
Additionally Windows 8 also comes with new UI called Metro UI that offers next generation user experience for day-to-day computing. And sooner or later, we will be seeing new apps leveraging Metro style in Windows 8.
Metro style browser
In Windows 8, IE has got two interfaces powered by a single engine, viz. traditional old IE and Metro style browser (Immersive IE). The common engine delivers a consistently fast, safe, and powerful experience for today’s sites as well as Metro style applications:
  • Performance. Metro style IE has the same industry-leading performance as IE on the desktop. This includes full hardware acceleration of graphics, video, and audio, compiled JavaScript, and new layout and formatting engine optimizations for touch responsiveness.
  • Safety. Metro style IE also has the same industry-leading security, privacy, and reliability features as IE on the desktop. This includes SmartScreen, XSS filtering, and InPrivate browsing.
  • HTML5. Metro style IE delivers the same commitment to a richer HTML5 web programming model as IE on the desktop.
Note: The Metro style browser in the current Windows Developer Preview is for developers, not consumers. For example, there’s work ahead to make sure that sites that already run plug-in free for other devices can work that way in IE10.
The new immersive IE shell delivers a truly chrome-less, first-touch browsing experience. It supports touch panning and pinching to zoom. Pages are fast and fluid like the rest of the system because the HTML5 engine takes advantage of full hardware acceleration. You can see this in the scrolling and panning performance.
Here’s a demo that shows the performance as well as other parts of the browsing experience:

Download this video to view it in your favorite media player: 
High quality MP4 | Lower quality MP4

Over time, the Metro style experience will serve more and more mainstream browsing scenarios, even as the desktop browser continues to play a key role in many people’s lives. You can set your default to either style, seamlessly switch between them, or use any other browser you choose on Windows 8.


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