Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How To Batch Rename Multiple Files And Folders In Windows Instantly

You come back from a trip after taking hundreds of photos, all these photos have names which are a combination of both alphabets and numbers. Now you want to batch rename your photos, there are tons of free tools through which you can do this but there is one tool that stands out from the rest. ReNamer is a powerful batch rename utility which allows you to quickly rename your files and folders in the most easiest way. What makes it stand out from the rest is the feature which allows you to add rules.
Update: For more advanced renaming tools, check out FileGrinder and Advanced Renamer.

renamer main window
To begin renaming files, drag the files which you want to rename in the window below and click the upper window to begin adding rules, you can add multiple rules.
add rename rule
What I will do is add the word ‘family vacation’ before every image file. So I select Insert from the left sidebar, add the name, set the required settings and click Add Rule button. Apart from the replace rule, this tool can batch change extensions, strip names, etc. Once you add the rule, it will look like this.
renaming multiple=
You can see the total number of files that will be renamed and the total size of all files in the status bar. In the preview bar you can see what the name will look before and after you rename the file. Now click the big green Rename button on top-right side to begin batch file rename instantly. Enjoy!


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